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June was a busy month for Screven Forward! We feel we are making excellent progress in reaching our stated goals.
On May 25, the murder of George Floyd impacted all of us. It sparked peaceful protest marches worldwide and Sylvania was no different. On June 7th a peaceful, well-attended march was held downtown and most of our steering committee members were present.
On June 13th Screven Forward proudly presented our first ZOOM webinar/panel discussion "Black Voices Matter". Elizabeth Kirkland, Tara Hogan Charles, Stephen Kirkland and Cedric Rhodes were the panelists and Santrease Hines was the moderator. Each participant shared their perspective, their personal experiences, their feelings and their wisdom while answering the questions put to them. Everyone involved did a fantastic job and it was very well received. About 70 people registered to attend this event.
June 9th was the Democratic Primary voting day and two of our steering committee members (newly trained!) worked polling places in two locations in the county. Good news, statewide - Democrats set a new primary turnout record outpacing GOP voters! Screven County Democrats cast 1411 votes and voter turnout was 36% - up from 26% in 2016. We are working hard to raise that turnout number to 50% in November!
We expanded our social media platforms in June to include Twitter, Instagram, TikTok and YouTube. We want to reach as many voters as we can - youngest to oldest - to impress upon them the importance of VOTING - especially this year! We encourage everyone to submit posts and videos to the various sites.
We have SCREVEN FORWARD tee shirts!!
We have everything in place to begin our "REGISTERED VOTER OUTREACH" project. Using 331 names of voters who lean or are strongly Democratic and who did not vote in 2016 or 2018 - or both - we will be phone canvassing and urging them to vote this year. We will use a format perfected by two of our steering committee members including a prepared script and 5 multiple choice questions. We will be able to enter all the information we gather, submit that info and it will be recorded and linked to a data base. This will be a wonderful resource for future use. Thanks guys, awesome job!!
Another project on our agenda is the "3X3 PROJECT". Each person texts or emails three people they know who will vote Democratic in November and asks them to text or email three people they know, etc. There is a followup in October and again on November 3rd. It is possible to reach 800 voters in this manner if 20 people participate!
We have also been preparing for another ZOOM event. "MEET AND GREET" is scheduled for Saturday, July 11th at 11:00. We hope all who have expressed interest will join us as we share information about Screven Forward and discuss how people can get involved in this critical election year. Put it on your calendar!
Remember another important date - October 5. That is the deadline to register to be able to vote in the November 3rd general election.
Thanks to everyone for their hard work in June and for moving Screven Forward!!